Property for sale Gran Canaria


Ristrutturare a distanza una casa a Gran Canaria

Ristrutturare a distanza una casa a Gran Canaria

Have you bought a property in Gran Canaria but returned to Italy and now need to renovate it?
It may seem an insurmountable problem but thanks to my Company you can remodel your property in Gran Canaria remotely, I will take care of drawing up the project, choosing the materials and the furniture.

La convenienza di acquistare un immobile a Gran Canaria da ristrutturare

La convenienza di acquistare un immobile a Gran Canaria da ristrutturare

Buying a property to renovate in Gran Canaria definitely has advantages that can be summarized as:
1) the price: obviously lower than a diaphanous property
(2) customization: to the owner’s taste and liking or suitable for tourist income-generating purposes that distinguish it from other properties

Le garanzie della ristrutturazione a distanza

Le garanzie della ristrutturazione a distanza

A professional who offers to remodel your property remotely in Gran Canaria, makes an inspection of the property, lays out the remodeling project, presents you with a written estimate, and enters into a contract with the company with penalties for delays and a guarantee of the work done for a minimum of 5 years.

I tempi della ristrutturazione

I tempi della ristrutturazione

Renovating a property in Gran Canaria remotely can prove to be a titanic and endless undertaking if you do not rely on serious Contractors who will not extend the time to ask you for more money, who will not take on ten assignments at the same time devoting two hours per week for each property, a serious company finishes on time or pays heavy penalties .

I costi della ristrutturazione

I costi della ristrutturazione

The costs of a Renovation in Gran Canaria depend on the professionals you rely on who, if serious, do not present you with an estimate written in pen on a torn sheet of paper, ask you for cash advances without releasing anything, extend your timeframe to the unthinkable or invent unpredictable and supervening work with related cost overruns.

Do you have more questions?

Examples proposed sale property to be renovated and property already renovated:

House in Gran Canaria for Renovation


House in Gran Canaria Renovated


Do you want to be among the first to get the best real estate deals on homes for renovation in Gran Canaria?

More details on property renovation in Gran Canaria:

Renovations in Gran Canaria
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